Sunday, August 16, 2009


1. We even have Eagles fans in Tanzania! Sorry it's sideways.

2. Me, cooking beans.

3. This lady wanted to bow while giving me cooking oil. Do you like my outfit?

4. Rehema explaining puberty. I think.

5 and 6: This is the big Mwenge Festival.

The last stretch...

So I'm taking the requisite bi-monthly vacation in Iringa, which meant, of course, a twelve hour ride on the Tanzanian's public transportation system. I spent the first five hours stuffed between a lady with a chicken in her shirt and some wasted dude who passed out on me.

Well, first of all, I came back to village two weeks ago to find that the day before Rehema had accidentally burned down the pig pen. We had an essay competition in the primary school and she was burning all the bad ones. Apparently she wasn't too careful about where she was throwing them. The pig didn't escape, but I think it has PTSD now.

We are almost finished our program. We only have two weeks left in the village and almost all of our activities have been completed. We had an "Environmental Day," which turned out to be somewhat of a disaster. We bought three hundred trees to be donated to the three villages in our ward. Somehow, 299 trees went missing, (we managed to plant one - I think it was actually just a stick) and the guy who was in charge of the tree transaction left the village the next day and changed his phone number.

We also had a Secondary School Festival, which was a lot of fun! the theme was "gender," so we pitted the girls against the boys in a bunch of relay races and competitions. The boys ended up winning the "female" competitions: cooking and carrying bottles on their heads and the girls won most of the relay races! We also had a fantastic game called a chicken chase, where we let a chicken loose in the middle of a field and the teachers all ran after it. Whoever caught the chicken got to keep it. We are totally having one of these at my next birthday party. Perhaps in the parking lot of TGIFridays or something.

In the past two weeks we have been given 2 chickens! I guess it's the hot gift this year. We've eaten both. We still have the egg-laying chicken, whose eggs are now missing. Rehema said that they were turning into baby chickens and then there was an "accident" one day and now our chicken doesn't lay any more eggs. PTSD?

Another Tanzanian observance: Tanzanians are really welcoming, which is great unless they are welcoming people into your home. Rehema has been on a welcoming spree the past few weeks. I often come back from the bathroom to find unknown people finishing my plate of food. Another SPW volunteer has a guest who shows up every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Speaking of food, we've gotten pretty lazy about eating anything. We basically eat rice and beans only once a day now. It gets to the point where I'll say, "oh, I'm hungry. Maybe I'll just go to sleep."

Alright, I'm finished for now. Talk in two weeks!